Documents for PDF .NET Edition
GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Common Namespace / ReadOnlyStructList<T> Class / ForEach Method
The GrapeCity.Documents.Common.StructAction`1 delegate to perform on each element of the ReadOnlyStructList<T>.

In This Topic
    ForEach Method (ReadOnlyStructList<T>)
    In This Topic
    Performs the specified action on each element of the ReadOnlyStructList<T>.
    Public Sub ForEach( _
       ByVal action As GrapeCity.Documents.Common.StructAction(Of T) _
    public void ForEach( 
       GrapeCity.Documents.Common.StructAction<T> action


    The GrapeCity.Documents.Common.StructAction`1 delegate to perform on each element of the ReadOnlyStructList<T>.
    See Also